Adoption & Foster Listings

Sponsor an Animal
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Sponsoring a pet is a great way to contribute!

Your sponsorship of one of our adopted animals can help us to continue to care and improve the environment for these animals, expand our operations and get you some perks too! Each sponsorship will come with pictures and updates of your sponsored animal and free visits to our ranch to spend some time with them!

Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of animals do you care for?

We currently care for goats, pigs, dogs and chickens but are open to expanding to other animal types. Due to zoning and our want to provide our animals with space to thrive we are limited in the number of animals we can have but are working to improve our property for the animals we already care for.

How much of my contribution goes towards the animals?

All sponsorships go directly towards the care of the animals, or improvements in their living environment. This includes but is not limited to feed, medicines, supplements, treatments, housing, toys, play equipment and clean up.

Do you ever put your animals up for adoption?

Some animals may end up being listed for adoption, due to the number of stray dogs in our area we will foster dogs periodically and have them listed if there are any available. There are so many dogs in need we advocate for spaying and neutering your pets to prevent overpopulation and help resources like ours stay available for animals in need.

Are you a non profit organization?

No we are not a non profit organization. We currently pay out of pocket and use our own resources to provide the best life possible for these animals. We do not currently profit off of any of the work we do with our animals, though our chickens do provide us with some awesome eggs and if you visit the ranch you may be able to pick some up!

What drove you to caring for all of these animals?

 We believe that we have blessed and called by God to provide sanctuary for those who need it. Moving into a rural area the animals were the first opportunity we had to provide this sanctuary and we plan to expand to other endeavors as well. You can check out one of our other organizations at to see other projects are working on.

Sponsor a Dog


Samoyed / Pyrenees Mix
Juvenile – Female


Adult – Female


Adult – Female


Boxer / Lab Mix
Senior – Female


Pyrenees / Anatolian Shepherd
Adult – Male

Sponsor a Pig


Pot-bellied Pig
Adult – Male

Sweet Pea

Pot-bellied Pig
Adult – Female

Sponsor a Goat


Nigeian Dwarf Goat
Middle Age – Female


Nigeian Dwarf Goat
Young – Female


Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Senior – Female


Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Adult- Female


Nigeian Dwarf Goat
Adult – Female


Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Adult – Female


Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Adult- Female


Nigeian Dwarf Goat
Young – Female

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[email protected]

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Oak Hills, Ca

Coming Soon


Sponsorship Info

We will be adding more information over time about our ranch and animals

Visit our Ranch

Visitation scheduling will be coming soon when we open up sessions for the public